雅文吧言情小说网 > 校园言情 > 一爱九鼎 > 第六十七章 往事重演



舞台上刚刚摆好了乐器,一个女生打扮的中性十足,架好了话筒,朝台下鞠了一躬,抱着吉他,淡定地说:“给大家带来一首英文歌,来自Maria Arredondo 的Burning,希望大家会喜欢。”

台下稀稀拉拉的掌声,台上的人也不介意,淡然地朝乐队点头,开始娓娓唱来:“ Passion is sweet

Love makes weak

You said you cherished freedom so

You refuse to let it go

Follow your fate

Love and hate

Never fail to seize the day

But don’t give yourself away ……”



“My skins still burning from your touch

Oh I just cant get enough I

Said I wouldnt ask for much

But your eyes are dangerous

Oh the thought keep spinning in my head

Can we drop this masquerade

I cant predict where it ends

If your the rock Ill crush against”


“My soul my heart

If youre near if youre far

My life my love

You can have it all....ooohaaaah

Oh when the night falls

And your all alone

In your deepest sleep what

Are you dreaming of

My skins still burning from your touch

Oh I just cant get enough I

Said I wouldnt ask for much

But your eyes are dangerous

Oh the thought keep spinning in my head

Can we drop this masquerade

I cant predict where it ends

If your the rock Ill crush against

ooh, if your the rock Ill crush against.

ooh, if your the rock Ill crush against.”


